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Investigation of the sediment transport capacity in vegetated open channel flow 2022-8-16
Turbulence structure and momentum exchange in compound channel flows with shore ice covered on the floodplains 2022-8-16
Characteristics of the flow structures through and around a submerged canopy patch 2022-8-16
Predicting the Effective Diffusivity Across the Sediment–Water Interface in Rivers 2021-2-20
Investigation of the flow characteristics with one-line emergent canopy patches in open channel 2020-7-22
Growth-decay model of vegetation based on hydrodynamics and simulation on vegetation evolution in the channel 2021-2-20
Estimation of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient using a two-zone model in a channel partially covered with artificial emergent vegetation 2021-2-20
Analytical Solution of Suspended Sediment Concentration Profile: Relevance of Dispersive Flow Term in Vegetated Channels 2020-7-22
Analysis of turbulent flow structures in the straight rectangular open channel with floating vegetated islands 2020-5-14
A genetic programming-based model for drag coefficient of emergent vegetation in open channel flows 2020-5-21
Analyzing solute transport in modeled wetland flows under surface wind and bed absorption conditions 2020-5-14
New dynamic two-layer model for predicting depth-averaged velocity in open channel flows with rigid submerged canopies of different densities 2020-5-14
Inverse estimation of finite-duration source release mass in river pollution accidents based on adjoint equation method 2020-5-14
Numerical investigation of flow with floating vegetation island 2020-5-14
基于水动力的植被消长模型及河道植被演替模拟 2020-5-14
Solute dispersion in wetland flows with bed absorption 2020-5-14
Modeling depth-averaged streamwise velocity in straight trapezoidal compound channels with ice cover 2020-5-14
Random walk particle tracking simulation on scalar diffusion with irreversible first-order absorption boundaries 2020-5-14
Predicting the vertical low suspended sediment concentration in vegetated flow using a random displacement model 2020-5-14
Analytical solutions of velocity profile in flow through submerged vegetation with variable frontal width 2020-5-14
Turbulence characteristics of a round offset jet with different offset ratios in a counterflow 2020-5-14
Indicators for contaminant transport in a three-layer wetland with wind 2020-5-14
Mean velocity and shear stress distribution in floating treatment wetlands: An analytical study 2020-5-14
基于随机位移方法的植被水流纵向离散研究 2019-5-18
Prediction of mean turbulent flow velocity in a permeable-walled pipe 2019-5-18
Friction factor for turbulent open channel flow covered by vegetation 2019-5-18
Turbulence structure in open channel flow with partially covered artificial emergent vegetation 2019-5-18
The structure of turbulent flow through submerged flexible vegetation 2019-5-18
Predicting the bulk average velocity of open-channel flow with submerged rigid vegetation 2019-5-18
Analytical Model for Lateral Depth-Averaged Velocity Distributions in Rectangular Ice-Covered Channels 2019-5-18
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